Universal Connector Link System

The AAMA Standardization Committee released an update to their newly published Universal Connector Link (UCL) System Manual.  Following the launch of the UCL system and initial feedback from the industry, the Standardization Committee made a few adjustments to the wiring, in an effort to connect the debit card systems to games with 2 ticket dispensers.   The [...]

By |2017-01-31T16:45:37-06:00November 7th, 2014|Association News, Manufacturers|0 Comments

AAMA Appoints New Board President

John Margold of AMI Entertainment completed his term as AAMA Board President during the association Board and Member meeting in Lisle, Illinois today. Following a Board vote, Margold proudly passed the gavel to Pete Gustafson of Sega Amusements. Gustafson's executive cabinet will consist of Chris Felix of MEI as Vice President, Frank Cosentino of Namco [...]

By |2013-08-07T22:22:01-05:00August 7th, 2013|Association News|0 Comments

Amusement Expo 2012 Excitement

LIGHTS, CAMERAS, ACTION!!!!!  The AAMA office was buzzing on Thursday, January 12th, as the American Amusement Machine Association (AAMA) and the Amusement & Music Operator's Association (AMOA) invited several industry execs to participate in video testimonials for the upcoming Amusement Expo.  Participants were asked to discuss several issues regarding the show, including the [...]

By |2017-01-31T16:47:15-06:00January 16th, 2012|Association News|0 Comments
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