
The next free webinar, brought to you through Rtown Academy (www.rtownacademy.com), will feature industry expert Kurt Harz of Brunswick Bowling.

FEC Trend Watch: Multi-Tainment
Wednesday, June 4 @ 12PM CDT

Combining family entertainment attractions and bowling centers has been a growing trend over the past five years. It has proven to be a profitable solution to consumers’ continued demand for more entertainment options under one roof.

Join us for an engaging discussion about the latest innovations combining family entertainment attractions and bowling centers from two people at the front of the trend – Kurt Harz, VP Capitol Equipment for Brunswick Bowling, and George McAuliffe, President of Pinnacle Entertainment Advisors by Redemption Plus. Learn about best practices and see the true financial impact (or benefit) from case studies of successful facilities that have been actively leading the charge.

Free registration at www2.gotomeeting.com/register/948435802